Why the location of this wind project blows!

Green energy is good. Green jobs are good. But, destroying precious habitats, endangering the River, and putting quality of life issues at risk is bad! Let’s not sacrifice one for the other.

Other port candidates in the Capital Region are far better positioned for offshore wind manufacturing than the proposal being pushed forth by the owners of the Port of Coeymans.

Use your voice on December 27th at 7p to convince the Town of Coeymans Planning and Zoning Board that “carving up” residential-zoned land, especially without proper due process and environmental review, is more harmful than good.

Members of the CAC Steering Committee sent the following letter to Chairman Nolan and members of the PBZBA (Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals) regarding what needs to be done to slow the process down. We also cc-ed several state congressmen, senators, and legislators with this letter. Additional officers at the NYSDEC, Albany County DPW, NYS DOT, and the Albany County Planning Board have been looped in as well.

Timing is important, we only have until the end of this year to make this right. Please help us take a stand against a company intent on gobbling up every square inch of land in our town for industrial use.