Tell Tonko & Pallone to amend The Clean Future Act

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This important information was shared by Judith Enck of Beyond Plastics and Tracy Frisch, Chair, Clean Air Action Network of Glens Falls in response to Congressman Tonko’s provision in the “Clean Future Act” allowing residential trash burning to be considered a “clean electricity source”.  It’s not and we must let him know!  Please share this email with your friends and lists.  

Here’s what you can do to ask Rep. Tonko to remove that provision in his bill:
1)  If you are an individual, call Rep. Tonko’s office at 518-843-3400 or 202-225-5076; or submit a written comment at TONKO CONTACT.  You can say and/or write the following:

Re: Amendment Requested to the CLEAN Future A

Dear Representative Tonko:
I appreciate your efforts in the CLEAN Future Act to begin addressing the climate crisis. This bill includes many strong waste provisions that will help address the plastic pollution crisis. Specifically, I applaud the provisions pausing the permitting of new plastics production facilities, requiring essential environmental justice protections, and supporting a national bottle bill. However, I respectfully urge you to remove the provision detailed in Title II, Subtitle A on page 39 of the bill, which would allow incineration of post-consumer municipal waste to be considered a clean electricity source.

2)  If you are an organization,  SIGN ONTO THIS group organizational letter:  

3)  Attend the virtual event below on Wed. March 31 at 6:45 pm with the  Saratoga League of Women Voters, Congressman Tonko, and student climate activists. The program is entitled CLIMATE CHANGE – Solutions from the National to the Local Level.” 

Please register, attend and speak out about false climate solutions, including the incineration of recyclables, garbage, waste tires, or anything else. 

Thank you!