Let Congressman Tonko know that he must act faster for us and for the planet. Join us Tuesdays at noon starting June 1st in front of the Congressman's office, 19 Dove St., Albany.
Please spread the word. See the flyer below and the Facebook Event link.

The Congressman who holds the most sway on climate change is our representative, Paul Tonko. He is the Chair of the House Environment and Climate Change Committee. We are his constituents; he needs our votes.
The most pressing problem for the planet, our children, and the well-being of billions of people is climate change. We cannot and should not waste this opportunity of influence.
This past Earth Day, 50 of us gathered outside Congressman Tonko’s office to demand climate action starting with NO NEW FOSSIL FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE! Tonko’s goal of net neutral GHG emissions by 2050 is way too late to prevent runaway climate change.
No single rally will move Mr. Tonko but a series of them may work. We need to push, push and push some more to make our voices heard.
Therefore PAUSE (People of Albany United for Safe Energy) and Food and Water Watch are organizing a summer series of Tuesday lunch rallies in front of the Congressman’s office at 19 Dove St., in Albany. Attached is the flyer with details. (Be sure to click on the clock.)
Our blast-off rally is on Tuesday, June 1st at noon.
It would be helpful if you could let us know of your interest in attending any of the Tuesday rallies but especially the one on June 1st: RSVP to Sandy Steubing, PAUSE facilitator, at ssteub@gmail.com.
In the meantime, please call, email, or tweet the Congressman with the following message:
“The Clean Futures Act is too little, too late. We need to implement bills and benchmarks this decade to keep under the 2.7°F desired limit of the Paris Climate Agreement.”
- Call: 518-465-0700,
- tweet: @RepPaulTonko
- email: tonkomail@mail.house.gov