Reaction to Public Hearing

The CAC’s resident documentarian edited together several comments made during Wednesday’s second public hearing regarding the offshore wind project. A special thank you to all who spoke with conviction and passion. Our collective voices made a difference. The CAC especially appreciated that the town hall didn’t open their doors until 6:30. That allowed everyone a chance to wait their turn for a seat.  It was a warm night and while folks waited Sara handed out her homemade cookies frosted with yellow and green (RCS colors) “Pos Dec” lettering. Also, courtesy of Sara were the homemade badges pushing for POS DEC or Positive Declaration.

This is an abbreviated video from the Public Hearing on 12/27/23. For the full presentation, visit the Coeymans Vimeo page.

Channel 6 gave us some good headlines as well!


NYSDEC is the lead agency

Watch WRGB, Channel 6’s Briana Suparti’s excellent coverage of this important local news story including an interview with CAC member, Ashley Redfield:

This is what happened at the Coeymans Planning/Zoning Board Public Hearing, Wednesday, 27 Dec 7pm.

Wednesday’s agenda had two major parts:
1) a public hearing on two Carver Companies applications to build wind power manufacturing along the Hudson River &
2) the Planning/Zoning Board’s consideration of those applications. 

The Board’s agenda led us to believe that they intended to
– make themselves the Lead Agency on these applications,
– decide there were no serious impacts &
– immediately approve both applications so work can begin. 

Before anyone spoke, Chairman Rob Nolan announced that the DEC had sent them a letter on December 22, 2023.  This very tough letter said that the DEC would be the Lead Agency reviewing the merits and impacts of this proposal, including the cumulative impact of industrial development.

We now have a longer time to make an honest assessment of the proposal’s possible impacts on the Hudson River, the local environment, and the community.

This was a big win for the Clean Air Coalition!

Thank you for ALL your support! 

& keep your eye on our website for our next video blog.

Let’s make good trouble on December 27, 2023!

Please join us as we advocate for a positive declaration (“Pos Dec”, for short) from the still-undetermined Lead Agency to slow down the offshore wind project. That project includes the building of a 515,000 SF manufacturing facility on 80+ acres of mostly residentially zoned land for housing 400-foot-long wind blades.

The Planning/Zoning Board of Appeals headed by Chairman, Robert Nolan needs to know how critical this issue is for the following reasons:

Pos Dec Cookies
CAC member Sara has prepared Pos Dec cookies to help keep us satiated while we wait our turn to be heard.

Why the location of this wind project blows!

Green energy is good. Green jobs are good. But, destroying precious habitats, endangering the River, and putting quality of life issues at risk is bad! Let’s not sacrifice one for the other.

Other port candidates in the Capital Region are far better positioned for offshore wind manufacturing than the proposal being pushed forth by the owners of the Port of Coeymans.

Use your voice on December 27th at 7p to convince the Town of Coeymans Planning and Zoning Board that “carving up” residential-zoned land, especially without proper due process and environmental review, is more harmful than good.

Members of the CAC Steering Committee sent the following letter to Chairman Nolan and members of the PBZBA (Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals) regarding what needs to be done to slow the process down. We also cc-ed several state congressmen, senators, and legislators with this letter. Additional officers at the NYSDEC, Albany County DPW, NYS DOT, and the Albany County Planning Board have been looped in as well.

Timing is important, we only have until the end of this year to make this right. Please help us take a stand against a company intent on gobbling up every square inch of land in our town for industrial use.

Flaws in the Public Hearing Process

There are several serious flaws in the Public Hearing process based on what transpired on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Coeymans Town Hall in Ravena regarding Carver Companies’ proposal to build wind blade manufacturing on residential land.

  1. The Public Hearing should not be held until a full environmental impact assessment has been completed.  However, there was no EIS or SEQR presented to the public.
  2. Carver Companies workers were allowed to take seats by 6 pm, so no one else could get it.  They filled the capacity of the hall. The general public was not told to be there an hour ahead of time so the public was kept out of the meeting. 
  3. Police were at the door, controlling who was allowed into the meeting and who was not.  Carver speakers were allowed in, others were not.
  4. There was great confusion about sign-in lists for people attending and wanting to speak. Some sheets were titled “Carver”, and others were titled “Public”, but it was not clear why they were different.
  5. After Chairman Nolan opened the Public Comment Period he gave the floor to Carver Companies who gave a 143-minute presentation from Carver Companies contractors, advisors, employees, and authors of various studies (e.g. traffic). It was less a presentation than a propaganda exercise.  Chairman Nolan then said he was opening up the public comment period, having already opened it earlier.
  6. There were no time limits on Carver Company presentations and some Carver Company speakers went back multiple times to address various sections of their lengthy slide show.
  7. 18 speakers from the public were eventually admitted and spoke but were not allowed to speak longer than 3 minutes each.
  8. At least 10 people, residents, and neighbors who would be affected by this proposal were not admitted and wrote to me about it.
  9. It should be noted that Chairman Rob Nolan is the owner of Nolan Propane and does a lot of business with Carver Companies.  Mr Nolan, as chair, never asked the Carver employees to make room for others or arranged for a larger venue despite knowing this was an important public hearing that would attract a lot of people.  Mr. Nolan has a history of not recusing himself in cases where his businesses are affected by the Planning/Zoning Board’s decisions.  (See the Marebo/Long Energy decision.)
~ Why is this application being rushed through?
~ Is GE still interested in Coeymans now that other ports in the Capital region are opening up?
~ What does Holcim think of this proposal? They were not present at the public hearing.