Selkirk SABIC fined for toxic styrene release

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced the execution of two Orders on Consent with SHPP US, LLC, (known as “SABIC”), in Selkirk, including $322,400 in penalties and required facility improvements. These enforcement actions resolve violations after a September 2020 incident at the SABIC plastics manufacturing facility that released approximately 22,057 pounds of styrene vapor to the environment, threatening public health and safety.

Updates & Allied Campaigns


The Coalition supports Lights Out Norlite to stop hazardous waste burning in Cohoes. TODAYPlease make a quick phone call to Gov. Hochul to deny Norlite’s Title V Clean Air Act and RCRA Part 373 Hazardous Waste Permits. Here’s an easy link to use.  After calling, RSVP to join Albany’s April 30th rally, featuring D. Colin and Ragliacci of Social Justice Artists Collective.

NY RENEWS: public comment ON NYS CLIMATE ACTION PLAN New York Renews is calling for comments on NY State’s Climate Action Plan.
THURSDAY, APRIL 14: A hearing will be held in Albany to hear public comment on the State’s Climate Action plan.  Here is a link on how to offer your views.

Every year, Riverkeeper organizes people to pick up trash along the Hudson River.  Why not join a group near you?  The Hudson River will thank you! 
SATURDAY, MAY 7: See this link to sign up for the Riverkeeper Sweep.

ROUTINE WORK by STEERING GROUP MEMBERS Steering Group members have submitted detailed comments to the Department of Environmental Conservation on expansion plans at the Port of Coeymans and Coeymans Industrial Park; we have helped to collect hair samples in Cohoes and Saratoga to study pollution levels; our members have supported Riverkeeper’s legal cases and identification of Hudson Valley waste management & incineration sites.  Members have also tracked and opposed NY State legislation likely to increase air pollution. 

Steering Group meets on alternate Tuesdays:
We meet on Zoom every other week to share updates and work.
Are you able to join our Steering Group? Contact us here:

Bethlehem needs your voice for critical town meeting

Bethlehem Tomorrow is a citizens action group that includes Delmar, South Bethlehem, Glenmont, and Normanskill that aims to protect and preserve farmland, forests, parks, and other open spaces for public benefit. They help to educate, engage and promote sustainability in towns at risk of losing important forested land to residential sprawl.

Forests like the one seen here were decimated by bulldozers on Elm Ave East last month to make way for single-family homes. Not only is this heartbreaking for wildlife habitats but it’s an outrage for climate change reasons. Housing construction of this size is completely out of balance with the population growth of Albany county. Developers also want to do the same to Elsmere Avenue Extension as well as Kimmey Drive erasing more open space.

Thousands of trees (see above) were felled in March 2022 to make room for nearly 100 single-family homes.

Kimmey Drive and Elsmere Avenue Extension are both long-discussed but as of yet
unbuilt collector roads. They should not be referenced in the Comprehensive Plan as a done deal or “planned” or “supported” roadways. Such roadways presuppose new residential development in areas that are currently some of the largest remaining open spaces in Town. Maintaining open spaces is one of the highest priorities for all residents and is critical to fulfilling the Town’s commitment to addressing climate change and sustainability.

If you feel the same, please speak up! Join others in voicing your concerns about the current Comprehensive Plan at the town meeting on: Monday, March 28, at the Bethlehem Town Hall, 6 pm.

Make a difference with the following topics:

Bethlehem Tomorrow logo
  • I support limiting development by clustering new homes close together while protecting as much open space as possible.
  • The current plan allows too many new homes to be built in our agricultural business districts. The plan should restrict homes in these areas to only one dwelling per four acres.
  • The Normanside Country Club should be zoned as “Recreation” to protect it and the surrounding neighborhoods.
  • I support the strong action against climate change in the comp plan such as electrification and energy efficiency.
  • I support a sustainability committee being created by the town as soon as possible.
  • I support strong regulations to protect against unnecessary tree removal, especially in environmentally sensitive areas.
  • I ask that our town incorporate laws to make our town more able to withstand the impact of climate change as recommended by New York State (The New York State Community Risk and Resiliency Act.)

Your voice matters!

Stay engaged in April at these RCS Community Library Events

ELECTRIC VEHICLES 101 with Ken Mueller on Wednesday, April 20 at 6:30 pm

So you’re thinking about buying a hybrid/electric car? Get your questions answered by Mueller’s Automotive Ken Mueller and longtime Electic Vehicle owner Rich Orsini. Registration is required.

TURN YOUR SPOIL INTO SOIL event on Saturday, April 23 at 11 am

Super-charge your garden, save money, and help the planet – all in your backyard. Registration is required, sign up today. Register to reserve your spot today!

INSIDE THE GREEN LOBBY with Bernard Melewski on Saturday, April 30 at 2 pm

Former Coeymans resident Bernard Melewski joins us to talk about his book Inside the Green Lobby, which recounts the behind-the-scenes struggles of a veteran environmental lobbyist working to save New York’s six-million-acre Adirondack Park from the devastating damage from acid rain and the sudden breakup of massive private landholdings.  From strategy sessions to private meetings with legislators, governors, members of Congress, and even the President of the United States, Inside the Green Lobby recounts, through engaging and entertaining stories, how environmental advocates successfully pursue legislative and policy change.

Hannacroix Creek Preserve: All hands to the rescue!

Last night, March 20th, four of us met at the entrance to the Hannacroix Creek Preserve around 7:45 pm.  It was just after dark with light rain falling.  The temperature was hovering around 40F and dropping after a warm afternoon in the 50s.  

We only found a handful of frogs trying to cross the road and no live salamander.  The rain was light and had started late in the day, the temperature was so cold that several frogs seemed immobilized in the road until we picked them up and moved them across.   

Our identification of the frogs may not be quite right, but our current guess is that we moved 3 spring peepers, 3 grey tree frogs, 1 pregnant wood frog, and 1 green frog.

We also found 1 dead wood frog, with her eggs on the tarmac, two dead spring peepers, and one dead spotted salamander.

The previous night, March 19, I went out alone and moved one wood frog and one green frog, but came in as there was a lot of thunder and lightning.  The next morning, at 7:45 am on March 20th, I counted 73 corpses of amphibians that had not made it across the road.  That was clearly the night of the big migration.  

This Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights are rainy again but looks like they might be too cold for any amphibians remaining in the woods to head down to the vernal pools by the Hudson River Interpretive Trail.

A big thank you to Larry, Nels, and Nancy H. for their help last night.