Lend Us Your Name & Ears

Ask for a delayed public hearing on the Coeymans Comprehensive Plan

We would like to send this letter to Supervisor McHugh and the Coeymans Town Board.  One of us will also read it out this Thursday night at the Town Board meeting.

Would you like your name to be added to this letter?  The more of us who ask for a delay, the better.  You can just reply to this email and say ‘Yes! I live in Coeymans and want to add my name to this letter.”

Many thanks!  You can watch the Board’s response on Thursday on the Town’s Facebook page.

Dear Supervisor McHugh and Members of the Town Board:

All of us who have put our names to this letter believe that the Coeymans Comprehensive Plan is too important to be rushed.  

That is why the Town Board must delay the public hearing on the Comp Plan for 60 days, until March 25th, 2021.  The people of Coeymans need more time to digest and debate the contents of this important draft.

Thank you. 

This needs to be done before 4pm Thursday, January 14, 2021.
Add your name to this letter by writing to:  info@cleanairalbanycounty.org