We at the CAC are incredibly proud to have friends in Switzerland; writers by the name of Daniel Stern and Ursula Häne, both of who have agreed to let us share their findings in an article published in a weekly newspaper called WOZ in Switzerland last week – home of LafargeHolcim, also known as Holcim. Because the article was written in German, an online service called Deepl was used to translate it into English and reviewed for accuracy. Our many thanks to both writers for helping us in our efforts for clean air here in upstate New York.

PLEASE READ ARTICLE HERE: https://cleanairalbanycounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ClimateChange_Daniel_Stern.pdf
Funding for Article Research
This article was made possible by the research fund of the ProWOZ association. This fund supports research and reporting that exceeds the financial possibilities of WOZ. It is fed by donations from WOZ readers.
Three Plants in Switzerland
Holcim employs 70,000 people worldwide and operates around 270 cement plants and 1,300 concrete plants around the globe. Until recently, the group was called Lafarge-Holcim but the name was simplified at the beginning of May. Sales fell by 13.4 percent last year due to the pandemic, but still, amounted to over 23 billion Swiss francs with a net profit of 1.9 billion. In Switzerland, Holcim operates 36 concrete plants and one cement plant each in Siggenthal AG, Untervaz GR, and Eclépens VD. Last October, climate activists occupied a piece of land near the latter where the company wants to expand its quarry. Police cleared the occupation at the end of March.