Earth Day 2021: Tonko Emergency Rally

Tonko Emergency Rally
Tonko Emergency Rally

“We’re in a climate emergency. Tonko needs more urgency!” was the prevailing cry from several leading environmental groups on Earth Day. The crowd rallied for clean air outside of Congressman Paul Tonko’s office on Dove Street.

Faces from Save the Pine Bush, the Clean Air Coalition of Greater Ravena, and the Upper Hudson Green Party chanted and waved signs to encourage the  Energy and Commerce Committee member to amend the legislation touted as the CLEAN [Climate Leadership and Environmental Action] Future Act.

“Unless the provision is changed, the bill will allow for the burning of trash incineration which is no solution to a clean and healthy environment,” said Christine Primomo, member of the CAC.

If you were unable to be there, listen to the MediaSanctuary SoundCloud recording.