Coeymans Comp Plan Public Hearing Continues

WHEN? 6pm, Thursday, MARCH 11

Why you should bother to speak:

A Comp Plan should be a vision of our shared future in Coeymans.

The draft plan for Coeymans endorses more industrial development on the Hudson River & Route 144.  If approved, this area will become
a BIG waste management & incineration business.

This plan benefits the Port of Coeymans and other industries, but…  
our residents and river will bear the burden.

Air pollution damages children and everyone who breathes that air.  Industrial trucks on Main St discourage small businesses.  People in North Coeymans, Ravena, and the hamlet know what industrial development means.

Tell the Board what YOU think is a good future in Coeymans.
Phone Town Hall at 6pm,
518-756-6006, ext 3


A Comp Plan should be created by residents for residents

This Plan was drafted by a consulting firm, without meaningful discussion among Coeymans residents about the future they want. 
ASK the Board to keep the public hearing open until a full dialogue and consultation among residents has taken place.

The impact of industrial growth, past, and future

Despite the rapid growth of industries along the waterfront, there has been no study of their cumulative impact on the Town, the Hudson River or the people who live here.  

ASK the Board for a GEIS (Generic Environmental Impact Study) of past and proposed industrial expansion along the waterfront & Route 144 before the Comp Plan is approved.

Waste management & incineration in Coeymans

ASK the Board if this plan is designed turn the Coeymans Riverfront into a waste management business that accepts & burns waste from anywhere, in any quantity.

ASK the Board if they send their children to school in Coeymans.