CAC makes the local news

Clean Air Coalition board member, Christine Primomo, made her debut on the local ABC affiliate, WTEN-TV 10 on Tuesday evening while speaking out at the weekly Tonko Tuesday event. Reporter Anya Tucker provided coverage, our new favorite station!

Primomo voiced her concerns about burning tires and other waste at the LaFarge Cement Plant in Ravena and how Tonko’s CLEAN Futures Act opens the door to subsidize incineration.

The weekly rallies are organized by PAUSE or People of Albany United for Safe Energy and attended by several local environmentalists advocating for a cleaner, greener tomorrow.

As Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change, Congressman Paul Tonko plays a pivotal role in the adoption of sustainable energy policy. Per his own words, it’s up to him to promote climate issues in Congress…strengthening the fight against our world’s greatest threat.

Listen to her and CAC member Fran Porter’s interview with Mark Dunlea here: MEDIA SANCTUARY

Link to Channel 10 story!

Link to Rick Karlin’s Times Union waste-to-fuel article that ran the same day with quotes provided by Primomo.