Daunting challenges we face in 2022

By CAC volunteer/Selkirk resident, Sonja Stark

Environmental activism is not for the faint of heart. The challenges the CAC faces in Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk are never-ending and always growing. Our vision to see our little Hudson Valley town transition away from polluting plants and dirty politics and replaced with clean progress and principled politicians is a thankless endeavor.

Our frustrations stem from far more than the disappointing passage of LECCLA late last year. Regardless of the ugly truths behind so-called “low-carbon concrete,” Governor Hochul passed it anyway. What a colossal greenwashing ruse. We fear that it’s only a matter of time before Lafarge starts burning TDF if they aren’t already.

As if that isn’t enough to keep us awake late at night… we also battle:

  • A Port that continues to expand its’ footprint regardless of increased truck traffic, scrapyard fires, DEC fines, or fugitive airborne particulates.
  • A Town Supervisor that continues to cater to industry polluters under the guise of job creation, defunds the local police department to line his own pockets, talks of passing a resolution to increase his strangehold on the community, and much more.

The scary part is this town is made up of a lion’s share of smart and informed residents but many are shaking in their shoes to speak up. They care but are afraid of retribution. They fear that their opinions might prompt a job loss or car tires slashed or a mailbox destroyed. All are valid reasons because all are true consequences to those that are daring enough to speak up.

Honestly, the level of intimidation and coercion taking place in our small, historic hamlet proceeds at a degree that would make a Mafia mob boss blush!

Let’s be honest, here: The CAC is made up of just a small handful of blue-collar, citizen activists who try like hell to protect what little is left. We fight to make right the wrongs of the very rich, the very powerful, and the very well-connected. Are we a threat to their bottom line? Seriously…that’s too funny.

Residents that can afford to move out of here, do, the rest of us dig in our heels and stay the course. Unfortunately, this survival mentality can only last so long. Indifference, apathy, detachment: these are inevitable outcomes of the underdog that gets beaten up one too many times.

Yet, we remain committed to, at the very least, the idea of a win in our favor. With the help of more brave voices, we still hold out hope we can turn the tide.

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