Happy New Year! from Hannacroix Bay Swamp Forest & Garden

The following are selected photos taken in 2022 where the Hannacroix Creek enters the Hudson River. The land is managed by CAC Chair, Barbara Heinzen with help from her friends Eric Remillard and Gil Strizich. All photos on this blog were taken by Barbara Heinzen.

2022 NARRATIVE: Another dry summer started in early July 2022. Several garden plants were stunted while the sweet grass died for lack of water. Many insects were missing again in 2022 while the birds that eat them – orioles, tree swallows, and bluebirds – never settled in for the summer. Small mammals also seemed scarce but the dry conditions favored the wild rice so more will be planted in 2023. The beaver pond dried up over the summer. The lodge and dam by the Hudson River were abandoned. By November, a new beaver lodge and dam appeared in the creek only to be damaged in the December flood.

May we see a more peaceful year in 2023!

February-March 2022
April-June 2022: March Marigolds and Sedges in the Swamp
April-June 2022: Things that Fly!
July-Sept 2022: Wild Rice along Creek and River
Oct-Nov 2022: A Lingering Autumn
December 2022: Weather Extremes